Nacimiento Río Cuervo Carretera CM 2106 Km 60
Cuervo River Source
Next to Vega del Codorno and 80 Km away from Cuenca, into the mountains we find one of the most attractive places in Cuenca, where the Cuervo river precipitates its waters falling from high ledges creating spectacularly beautiful capricious formations. To reach the source of the river, travellers have to take the road from Cuenca along the Jucar gorge going into the Serrania (highlands). As we access the mountains we are surprised by interesting landscapes and villages: Villalba de la Sierra, Uña, Húelamo and Tragacete. Any of them deserves a stop on the way. Some of medieval origin, preserving historic buildings and are always embedded in strategic locations with a scenic environment. Past Tragacete, about 12 km further we reach Nacimiento del Rio Cuervo. Once there, visitors will be surprised by the nice infrastructures of their facilities, restaurants, camping sites, concourses, etc…,located next to the river. To reach the point of origin you have to hike the marked trails, running parallel to the river I the opposite direction, passing by ditches which form beautiful waterfalls. Further up, the trail takes us to the source. In a quiet grotto where the water comes gushing out through a crack on the side of a rock we finally find the source of Rio Cuervo.